Requirements for No Objection Certificate from Department of
Civil Aviation for the Construction of New Buildings/Structures in the Vicinity
of SSR International Airport
The Department of Civil Aviation is responsible, amongst
others, for the control of height of buildings/structures in the vicinity of
the airport in order to ensure safety of aircraft operations. The Grand Port Savanne Outline Planning Scheme 2006, as
amended, issued under the Town and Country Planning Act 1954, requires that a
“No Objection Certificate” should be obtained from the Director of Civil
Aviation for new buildings and structures in the vicinity of SSR International
Airport. The “No Objection Certificate” which is issued by the
Director of Civil Aviation, solely addresses the aspect regarding safety of
aircraft operation by ensuring that the height of buildings or structures in
the vicinity of an SSR International Airport, do not protrude the obstacle
limitation surfaces based on ICAO requirements as prescribed in the Grand Port
Savanne Outline Planning Scheme 2006, as amended, and the height of
buildings/structures are in line with the Plaisance Airport (Building
Restrictions) Act 1964. The “No Objection Certificate” does not take into
consideration other criteria e.g. environment, health etc. In order to assess the impact of the
proposed construction on the safety of aircraft operations, the following
information needs to be submitted to the Department of Civil Aviation: a)
location plan of proposed
construction in relation with the airport; b)
height of building above ground
level; c)
height of terrain above mean sea
level; and d)
the X and Y distances of the site as
illustrated in the attached drawing i.e. the distance of the site from the
threshold of Runway 14 measured along the extended centre line (X distance) and
the perpendicular distance of the site from the extended runway centre line (Y
distance) OR the coordinates of the site in the Clarke National
Grid format (Easting(m) and Northing(m)). The
above information should be certified by an approved land surveyor. Letter to be addressed to: Director of Civil Aviation Department of Civil Aviation SSR International Airport Plaine Magnien Email : Fax : 6373164
